Aloha Kakou,
Our bi-monthly meetings have a bit of everything – delicious breakfast, talk story time with friends, discussion about community service and a guest speaker presentation.  The speakers bring education, enthusiasm and passion to our RoCKS members.
This month we have to dynamic speakers.  On February 12th, we have our own Ryan Kawamoto. Ryan, who is not only our member, but serves District 5000 as an Assistant Governor.  Ryan is the Director and Vice President of Community Relations at Kinetic Productions and with Kinetic Productions for over twenty-two years. 
Then on February 26th, our guest speaker is Malia Harunaga, Director of Adult Education, Hawaii Bicycling League.  Her passion is bicycling – having been in keiki triathlons in her youth.  I’m looking forward to Malia’s presentation.  The days of my youth was passionately riding my Sears Spyder bicycle with the tiger design vinyl seat all round the Kaimuki area.
Mahalo Nui Loa,
Calvin Hara